IoD membership benefits

IoD membership offers a wide range of benefits.

Membership fees are charged year on year and are based on three levels of membership:

  • Uni+ (free).
  • Uni Plus (standard/comparable package).
  • Uni Professional (with extra tools and resources to help you succeed).

The decision on whether to install a paid membership into your account will depend on a variety of factors: If you fail to pay your yearly membership fee (most people choose to do this after they've spent the election fee), or if you abandon your membership early, you won't be charged any fees for the current or any subsequent renewal dates.

IoD membership offers a wide range of benefits
If you decide not to go ahead with your subscription and your monthly dues are past due, you may be subject to penalties on top of the IoD Membership Cost fee that we incur for processing your non-payment. The application for the election fee is at your own risk. 

You should read the fee information carefully before applying for membership to determine whether or not your application is appropriate for your selected membership level. If you do not have sufficient knowledge of elective membership types, please consult the membership fee information.

The second (£550) payment is subject to an assessment at 100% of the actual fee for the second full year and 50% of the remaining balance at 0%. If, after your first subscription payment, you have not been in a regular pay cycle (i.e., miss one or more payment deadlines for the same package), 

you must then renew your membership by 30 days of the next subscription payment deadline. If you pay your annual subscription fee within two months of your renewal date, your yearly renewal fee will be reduced by 50% to account for the early payment we'll make towards your next renewal date.

IoD membership provides access to expert advice and resources.

Being an IoD member is very valuable to any director or senior executive. The IoD affords easy access to information on evolving governance, regulation, and practices. It provides regular expert briefings of topical relevance to companies and is a setting where members can meet to share experiences as business leaders and learn from each other. I have found the IoD to be a highly efficient and effective means of enhancing my capability as a director and my understanding of how boards can perform better.

IoD membership provides access

The IoD's Information and Advisory Services offer members tailored and bespoke business advice on all aspects of running a business, including unbiased and confidential legal, financial, HR, marketing, and tax support. Full members of the IoD can access the support through online, telephone, or face-to-face consultations and are allowed up to 25 different talks each year.

As a member of IoD Ireland, we offer a wide range of resources designed for your professional development as a business leader. And because membership is individual and not corporate, all our members can tailor the resources to suit their leadership journey.

In conclusion

Being an IoD member has many benefits. It gives you access to a wealth of resources and support, including expert advice, networking opportunities, and discounts on products and services. It also helps to build your credibility as a business leader and can give you a competitive edge when tendering for work or applying for jobs.


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